About us

Why We Are Here

Small scale fishing communities are generally characterized by low levels of production, low incomes, poor living conditions, low literacy and chronic indebtedness. This is mainly due to poor access to profitable markets, inadequate cold storage, logistical inefficiencies and lack of financial assistance there are high levels of post harvest losses. Our aim is to change this narrative and improve fisher livelihoods with an initial focus on last mile market access and financial services working with one community at a time.

Technology Enabled

In order to scale impact, we are working to implement basic technologies that will facilitate the growth and enhancement of the fisheries supply chain.

Our Vision

A fisheries industry that fish producers have access to the resources they need including technology to operate at their maximum capacity and for there to be enough food to feed the world.


Considering the challenges in ensuring demand for food in the future is met, reducing food loss and waste is becoming increasingly important in realizing UN SDGs: Goals 2, 5, 8 and 14.

Our Goals

Through our platform we are supporting increased productivity and incomes of small-scale fish farmers, particularly women as well as reducing post-catch losses. To address the risk of food shortage and high prices, we work to meet the immediate food needs of communities by:

•Keeping the domestic supply chain gears moving, and

• Supporting smallholder fish farmers’ ability to increase fish production.

We believe that fisherwomen must have equal rights to economic resources and play a vital role in the fish supply chain. We recognize and value their contribution to the fishing sector. That is why we make a conscious effort to buy from women and pay them directly. Women also make up 60% of our staff, ensuring they earn fairly as their male counterparts.

Our work promotes sustainable economic growth by ensuring productive employment and decent work for all the fishermen and women we work with. By supporting their production process, and access to financial services they can afford a decent living. Through our Retail Distribution options, many young people can be employed, providing an additional source of livelihood for the youth.

We encourage fishermen to use the appropriate and accepted fishing nets as well as training on sustainable and safe fishing practices. WE engage and encourage fishermen, sensitizing them against plastic pollution when they are at sea.